Today i write a very general topic because most of us are not know about GST much extra, we hear this much but we don't know about some general things about this topic so i start- GST we know these term as good and service tax, First country to pass G.S.T bill - France in 1954 but the concept of GST is originated in canada it is a Indirect tax, approx 140 country implemented GST bill. By rajya sabha GST Passed - 3 aug. 2016,and lok sabha it is 8 aug.
It is also recomended by vijay kelkar commitee,head office of GST council is at new delhi. In india assam is the first state to rectify GST bill .GST bill is introduced as ammendment act 122 (101) officially it is known welly as 101 act ..mainly in india we knows mainly 3 kinds of GST- CGST, IGST, SGST
India has highest slab 0f 28% there are 5 slabs 0%, 5%,12%, 18%, 28%
GST started in india - 01 july 2017, jammu and kashmir are the state where GST is not applicable.
Advantages - cross utilization, less MFT cost, tax compliance, development of market etc.
Disadvantage- Hike in cost of operation, highest tax burden,increase in operational cost.
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